Volume 21 Number 4 (Journal of NLP)

ISSN 1340-7619
Journal of Natural Language Processing Volume 21 Number 4

Table of Contents


Special Issue: “Collection of Best Annual Papers” Organized for the 20th Anniversary of the Association for Natural Language Processing Makoto Nagao 617


Using WFSTs for Efficient EM Learning of Probabilistic CFGs and Their Extensions Yoshitaka Kameya, Takashi Mori and Taisuke Sato 619
Construction of Practical Japanese Parsing System Based on Lexical Functional Grammar Hiroshi Masuichi and Tomoko Ohkuma 659
Gradual Fertilization of Case Frames Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi 679
Improvements of Katz K Mixture Model Yinghui Xu and Kyoji Umemura 707
Preference Dependency Grammar and its Packed Shared Data Structure “Dependency Forest” Hideki Hirakawa 733
A Fully-Lexicalized Probabilistic Model for Japanese Syntactic and Case Structure Analysis Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi 799
Construction of a Domain Dictionary for Fundamental Vocabulary and its Application to Automatic Blog Categorization Using Dynamically Estimated Domains of Unknown Words Chikara Hashimoto and Sadao Kurohashi 817
Generalization of Semantic Roles in Automatic Semantic Role Labeling Yuichiroh Matsubayashi, Naoaki Okazaki and Jun'ichi Tsujii 841
Study on Constants of Natural Language Texts Daisuke Kimura and Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii 877
Splitting Katakana Noun Compounds by Paraphrasing and Back-transliteration Nobuhiro Kaji and Masaru Kitsuregawa 897
Relevance Feedback using Surface and Latent Information in Texts Jun Harashima and Sadao Kurohashi 921
Particle Error Correction from Small Error Data for Japanese Learners Kenji Imamura, Kuniko Saito, Kugatsu Sadamitsu and Hitoshi Nishikawa 941

Notice Board

  • Guide to Joining the Association for Natural Language Processing
  • Manuscript Guide to Journal Publication
  • Officers 2014, Editorial Committee of Special Issue: “Collection of Best Annual Papers”