Volume 25 Number 2 (Journal of NLP)

ISSN 1340-7619
Journal of Natural Language Processing Volume 25 Number 2

Table of Contents


[title in Japanese] Kazunori Komatani 165


Neural Machine Translation Models using Binarized Prediction and Error Correction Yusuke Oda, Philip Arthur, Graham Neubig, Koichiro Yoshino and Satoshi Nakamura 167
Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling using High-quality Surface and Deep Case Frames Gongye Jin, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi 201
Text Simplification without Simplified Corpora Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi 223

Editorial Note

Makoto Miwa 250

Notice Board

  • Statistics
  • Information on the Association for Natural Language Processing