Statement on Publishing Ethics and Malpractice
The Journal of Natural Language Processing (hereinafter "the Journal"), the journal published by the Association for Natural Language Processing ("the Association"), observes the following principles regarding publishing ethics and malpractice.
1 Editorial Committee
- The Editorial Committee of the Journal consists of members of the Association who have outstanding achievements in research and/or development in the field of natural language processing or related fields.
2 Role and responsibilities of authors
- All authors of a submitted paper must contribute substantially to the research and/or development reported in the submitted paper.
- Authors should not make duplicate submissions (see "4 View on and approach to duplicate submissions" in Manuscript Guide to Journal Publication for details).
- Authors should be responsive in the peer review process. For the role of authors in the peer review process, see "Natural Language Processing" Referee Guidelines.
- Authors should duly cite and provide references to related work and include the list of references in the submitted paper.
- Authors should declare any support they obtained in carrying out the research reported in the submitted paper, including software, data, facilities, grants, etc.
- Authors should pay the article processing charge if the submitted paper is accepted (see "10 Article Processing Charge" in Manuscript Guide to Journal Publication for details).
- Authors may be required to submit a corrigendum or retract the paper if errors are found after the submitted paper is published.
3 Peer review process
- Submitted papers shall be peer reviewed. Peer review shall be carried out by those who have an appropriate publication record in domestic or international journals and/or international conferences (See "2 Types of paper" in the Manuscript Guide to Journal Publication for the types of submissions accepted by the Journal. See "Natural Language Processing" Referee Guidelines for peer review principles.)
- Reviewers shall follow the "Peer Refereeing Code of Ethics" in reviewing the submitted papers. Reviewers shall pay special attention to the following principles:
-- "When commenting on a paper, always do so with the intent of helping the author improve the paper as well as to become a better researcher."
-- "Even if the content asserted by the paper contends against the standpoint and/or perspective of the referee, the content must be endorsed if the conclusion can be said to have been validly derived from the provided conditions, data, etc."
- Reviewers are chosen from among those with no conflicts of interest (COI) with the authors of the submitted paper. The definition of COI for the Journal is as follows:
-- Being one of the authors
-- Belonging to the same institute as one of the authors (such as a laboratory, department, or research team at the smallest unit) at the time of reviewing
-- Having carried out collaborative research with one of the authors during the past year
-- Even if the above applies, individual judgment will be made if it is deemed that there is no research-related connection.
- Reviewers shall point out relevant work that is not cited or referred to.
- The Editorial Committee and reviewers shall keep submitted papers confidential during the review process.
4 Publication ethics
- Authors must take due care not to violate the rights of others, including copyright, or to violate laws and regulations. If the Association determines that authors have not taken due care to avoid such violations, the submitted paper shall be rejected (See "8 Precautions when writing" in Manuscript Guide to Journal Publication for details).
- Should authors wish to withdraw an accepted paper or to publish a corrected paper or corrigendum in the Journal, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal (nlp-submit [at] The office will contact the authors regarding the necessary procedures.
- Allegations of possible research misconduct should be directed to the editorial office of the Journal. The Journal will in principle handle such allegations in accordance with COPE guidelines.
5 Copyright of and access to accepted papers
- See "9 Copyright and digital releasing of paper" in the Manuscript Guide to Journal Publication regarding the copyright of accepted papers.
- All papers published in the Journal are publicly available at J-STAGE.
6 Archive
- The Journal, publication of which being the main mission of the Association, shall continue to be published as long as the Association is not dissolved. Published issues of the Journal shall continue to be available through J-STAGE, even if the Journal ceases publication.