Volume 28 Number 3 (Journal of NLP)

ISSN 1340-7619
Journal of Natural Language Processing Volume 28 Number 3

Table of Contents


[title in Japanese] [in Japanese] 743


[title in Japanese] [in Japanese] 745
[title in Japanese] [in Japanese] 747
[title in Japanese] [in Japanese] 749

General Paper

Neural Text Generation with Artificial Negative Examples to Address Repeating and Dropping Errors Keisuke Shirai, Kazuma Hashimoto, Akiko Eriguchi, Takashi Ninomiya and Shinsuke Mori 751
Length-constrained Neural Machine Translation using Length Prediction and Perturbation into Length-aware Positional Encoding Yui Oka, Katsuhito Sudoh and Satoshi Nakamura 778
Improved Method for Organizing Information Contained in Multiple Documents into a Table Masaki Murata, Kensuke Okazaki and Qing Ma 802
Automatic Speech Recognition for the Archive of Ainu Folklores Kohei Matsuura, Masato Mimura and Tatsuya Kawahara 824
Japanese Chess Commentary Corpus with Named Entity and Modality Annotation Hirotaka Kameko, Suguru Matsuyoshi, John Richardson, Atsushi Ushiku, Tetsuro Sasada, Yugo Murawaki, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka and Shinsuke Mori 847

Society Column

Towards AI Systems That Can Explain with Language Kentaro Inui, Daisuke Bekki, Sadao Kurohashi and Minao Kukita 874
When Creative AI Meets Conversational AI Xianchao Wu 881
Live Competition: AI King—Quiz AI Japan Championship— Jun Suzuki, Koji Matshuda, Masatoshi Suzuki, Takuma Kato, Shumpei Miyawaki and Kyosuke Nishida 888
NLP2021 Workshop: Evaluation and Quality Estimation of Text—How Do We Judge Human- and Machine-generated Text Good or Bad? Katsuhito Sudoh, Mamoru Komachi and Tomoyuki Kajiwara 895
Key Lessons from Workshop on New Normal Communication for Young Researchers Naoya Inoue 901
WRIME: A Japanese Dataset for Emotional Intensity Estimation with Subjective and Objective Annotations Tomoyuki Kajiwara 907
Contextualized and Generalized Sentence Representations by Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning: A Case Study on Discourse Relation Analysis Hirokazu Kiyomaru 913
Exploring Advantages of Existing Methods through Various Experiments—The Quest of Efficient Perturbations on Sequence-to-Sequence Problems— Sho Takase 918
End-to-end ASR to jointly predict transcriptions and linguistic annotations Motoi Omachi 924

Editorial Note

Sho Takase 930

Notice Board

  • Editing schedule for "Journal of Natural Language Processing"
  • Statistics
  • Information on the Association for Natural Language Processing