Past topics
Past topics (2025)
- February 12, 2025
We have renewed our website.
Past topics (2014)
- December 22, 2014
Dr. Yusuke Miyao, a member of The Association for Natural Language Processing, won JSPS prize. (in Japanese)
- October 31, 2014
Newsletter (Vol.21 No.4) has been published. (in Japanese)
- Sep 16, 2014
Our LaTeX file corpus has been updated. (in Japanese)
- July 11, 2014
Newsletter (Vol.21 No.3) has been published. It has announced 20th Anniversary Best Paper Award (in Japanese)
- June 27, 2014
Newsletter (Vol.21 No.2) has been published. (in Japanese)
- June 16, 2014
ANLP 20th anniversary symposium (in Japanese)
- May 17, 2014
Messages from Best Paper Award 2013 Winners (in Japanese)
- April 9, 2014
JNLP Publication Fee Reduction Campaign (extended)
- April 7, 2014
Special discount to student members(extended)
- April 1, 2014
Our 20th anniversary.
- February 19, 2014
Newsletter (Vol.21 No.1) has been published. (in Japanese)
Past topics (2013)
- November 6, 2013
LaTeX files of papers in Journal of Natural Language Processing has been released. (in Japanese)
- October 29, 2013
Newsletter (Vol.20 No.3) has been published. (in Japanese)
- August 21, 2013
Newsletter (Vol.20 No.2) has been published. (in Japanese)
- July 1, 2013
Past proceedings of the annual meeting is now available. (in Japanese)
- May 28, 2013
Call for Papers of Special Issue (Journal of Natural Language Processing) (in Japanese)
- May 8, 2013
JNLP Publication Fee Reduction Campaign (extended)
- April 15, 2013
Special discount to student members (extended)
- April 1, 2013
Invited talk at the 19th annual meeting (NLP2013) by Dr. Ichisugi is broadcasted in Ustream.
(go to video page)
- March 27, 2013
Messages from Best Paper Award 2012 Winners (in Japanese)
- February 22, 2013
Newsletter (Vol.20 No.1) has been published. (in Japanese)
- January 18, 2013
Our new Web-based membership management software (e-naf) is available.
Past topics (2012)
- December 28, 2012
Newsletter (Vol.19 No.4) has been published. (in Japanese)
- Novermber 16, 2012
Migration of Web-based Membership Management Software (in Japanese)
- Novermber 1, 2012
We will launch an English proofreading service for papers for publication.
- October 24, 2012
Newsletter (Vol.19 No.3) has been published. (in Japanese)
- October 5, 2012
Call for Papers of Special Issue (Journal of Natural Language Processing) (in Japanese)
- September 21, 2012
Newsletter (Vol.19 No.2) has been published. (in Japanese)
- September 14, 2012
Revision of the Paper Award System
- August 6, 2012
Google Scholar Ranking is added to statistics (number of papers, number of pages etc.) of journal.
- July 3, 2012
Statistics (number of papers, number of pages etc.) and other data of journal will be opened and updated in this web site.
Please feel free to give us your comments and suggestions to editorial office (
- April 3, 2012
Special discount to student members
- March 26, 2012
JNLP Publication Fee Reduction Campaign
- February 29, 2012
Newsletter has been published.
Past topics (2011)
- October 23, 2011
Newsletter has been published.
- September 30, 2011
Newsletter has been published.
- September 12, 2011
Call for Papers: Special Issue on "Natural Language Processing for Information Access and its Evaluation" (Journal of Natural Language Processing)
- August 12, 2011
Call for Papers: Special Issue on "Unnatural Language Processing" (Journal of Natural Language Processing) (in Japanese)
- August 3, 2011
Invitation to submit a paper to the Journal of Natural Language Processing
- August 1, 2011
The English version of this site is now available.
- March 30, 2011
The Journal of Natural Language Processing has been selected by Journal@rchive, the digital archive project of JST, and the main texts of papers published from the first issue through FY 2008 have been available for viewing on
J-STAGE since March 1.
The digitization of material dated FY 2009 an onward is currently underway. We will issue an announcement when the material is available for viewing. Meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.
- March 15, 2011
News: Regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake (Japanese)
- January 21, 2011
The program for the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing (venue: Toyohashi University of Technology) has been determined.
• March 7, 2011 (Mon.): Tutorial
• March 8 to 10, 2011 (Tue. - Thu.): Plenary meeting
• March 11, 2011 (Fri.): Workshops
Past topics (2010)
- December 28, 2010
Submissions of presentation applications for the 17th Annual Meeting are no longer accepted (296 applications received).
- October 25, 2010
Website for the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing (NLP 2011) opens.